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Top 5 must to read/explore books/resources on CyberSecurity

Hello guys, welcome back !!!

For today we have a new topic for you, in which I will make you go through some of the notable books/resources I have preferred and which let me gain immense skills in the cybersec field.


So let's get started:-

Note:- Hover over the book name to get the book's download link.

The first book which I definitely recommend to all the peeps around is 

1:- Web Hacking 101 by Peter Yaworski

I personally use this book and recommend it to everyone, because this book has something that others don't. And the thing is that the book's content is not just about the topics, it is on the basis of the vulnerabilities with scenarios (with their proof) i:e; it basically contains bug bounty report URLs as per the actual scenario.

These are some words of the Author -

In writing this book, fresh hackers were considered. Whether you're a web developer, web designer, stay-at-home mom, 10 years old, or 75 years old, it makes no difference. 


Web Hacking 101 by Peter Yaworski - How to make money hacking ethically

Also, refer to this playlist if you want some Intro important videos - WEB HACKING 101

2:- HackTricks by Carlos Polop

Another gem in the field of CyberSec, here you will be almost provided with everything required during the pentest. Whether it is regarding the web, mobile(Android/iOS), network, firmware, and much more. You can also discover the normal workflow for pentesting one or more devices here.

The main thing about this book is that the content is such designed, that the person (whether noob or pro) can easily find the topic he is referring to.

HackTricks by carlos polop

3:- YouTube channels

Here I must mention some YouTube channels that have been delivering deadly insane content for the past few years. I myself follow them and had learned a lot. One point I must tell you that is, the main zest to learn must be inside you and if you have that, you will definitely get the right content at the right time.

Below mentioning YouTube channel names with links:-

* TheDecentCoder   


This is my own channel and I just kept it on top to really highlight this in front of all of you (without telling any lies). I have really worked hard on it and have delivered till now more than 25+ YouTube videos on CyberSec itself. Do follow, like, comment, share, and subscribe if you like.

* NetworkChuck

* DavidBombal




Like these, there are more channels as well for whom I look into though I did/didn't engage much with them for learning purposes, to get suggestions, and more.

4:- Labs (Portswigger, TryHackMe, HackTheBox) and others

Another best way to get insights into web application pentesting is the portswigger website and the online labs. Here you will find labs in different categories(Owasp Top 10). And you can complete those labs to earn lab credits and build your pentester profile to showcase others (that you are hacking :)). 

                                             portswigger, Web Security Academy  

Note:- Take a little hands-on on burp or at least see some videos of it before starting to get better knowledge on the topics.

5:- Demo Test web applications (Demo TestFirehack-yourself-firstand others

The last way I would be referring to will be the demo web application on which you can practice your skills. Altro mutual(Demo Testfire) has been one of the best learning sites as per what I observed because here you can try hands-on different tools, and there are no chances of damage as well since the site is managed by IBM. 


Donald duck P1

The same thing goes on with others as well.

You will also get the helping videos for the sites above, but try to do it on your own( to learn more).

Thank you guys for visiting the blog, reading, and learning more and more...

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