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Interview Series | Why Despite SOP, CSRF Attack is possible?

 Understanding SOP and CSRF Attacks: A Simple Guide

Regarding internet security, two important things come up: Same-Origin Policy (SOP) and Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) attacks. Both are crucial for keeping web applications safe, but they can also be weak points if not properly understood or applied. In this blog, we'll break down these concepts, how they relate, and the details that can lead to security problems.

Once during my Interview, one of the people asked me to tell why despite SOP, CSRF remains still active. I was a bit amazed because as per my thinking, as usual, it seemed to me like first of all a denial... But what to say, since it was an interview and if someone had asked me such a thing definitely there would be some point in it. I started looking for it and trying hard to find the exact reason behind this happening. 

Because I having a strong 5 years into this profession dealing with this was something not casual left to find out🥱.

Digging it out, I noticed there were some parameters you and I must understand, which are reflected below.

What is the Same-Origin Policy (SOP)?

The same-origin policy is a basic security rule that web browsers follow to control how documents or scripts from one origin can interact with other sources. An origin is defined by the combination of scheme (protocol), host (domain), and port number.

- Default Behavior: SOP stops scripts from making requests across different origins. For example, a script from `` can't access data from ``.

- Objective: SOP aims to stop malicious sites from reading sensitive data from another site. It prevents unauthorized scripts from accessing user data from an authenticated session.

Challenges with SOP

While SOP works well to stop some attacks, it also creates challenges for legitimate cross-origin interactions. That's where Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) comes in.

- CORS: CORS allows servers to decide who can access their resources and how. This is done by setting specific HTTP headers in the server response.

Understanding CSRF Attacks

Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) tricks a user into doing unwanted actions on a web application where they are already logged in. This often happens without the user knowing, using the fact that web browsers automatically include cookies with requests.

- Mechanism: An attacker makes a malicious website, email, or link that, when clicked by a logged-in user, sends a fake request to a target site.

- Exploiting Cookies: The target site's cookies, already stored in the user's browser, are sent with a fake request, making it look real to the server.

Why CSRF is Possible Despite SOP

There's a common misconception that SOP should protect against CSRF attacks. However, the truth is a bit more complex.

- Nature of SOP: SOP is designed to control the reading of data between different origins. It doesn't stop a user from sending requests (with their cookies) to another origin.

- Cookies and Authentication: Because browsers automatically include cookies with requests to the right origin, a malicious link or script can use this to perform actions as the logged-in user.

Case Study: Limits of SOP in CSRF Protection

Let's say a user is logged into a banking application. If an attacker tricks the user into clicking a malicious link while logged in, the request will include the user's session cookies, allowing the attacker to perform unauthorized transactions.

1. User Logs In: The user logs into ``.

2. Attacker Sets Up Malicious Site: The attacker creates a malicious website `` with a hidden form that submits a transfer request to ``.

3. User Visits Malicious Site: The user unknowingly visits ``.

4. Form Submission: The hidden form is automatically submitted, and the request includes the user's session cookies, making it look like a legitimate request to the bank.

Mitigation Strategies

Recognizing the limitations of SOP in preventing CSRF is essential for creating effective defenses:

- Anti-CSRF Tokens: Use anti-CSRF tokens that are unique to each session and must be included in forms or AJAX requests. These tokens are not automatically included with requests, preventing CSRF attacks.

- SameSite Cookies: Set cookies with the `SameSite` attribute to control when they should be included with cross-site requests.

The potential for enhancement exists.


While SOP and CORS are essential for web security, they don't cover all possible attacks. CSRF is an example of an attack that exploits SOP's limits by using the automatic inclusion of cookies in cross-origin requests. By understanding these mechanisms and implementing strong defense strategies, web developers can better secure their applications and protect users from malicious actions.

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